I am a father of two lovely daughters, Eva and Dimitra, and a husband of an intelligent and beautiful wife, Stamatia.
I am currently working as an associate professor at the Dept. of Cultural Tech. and Comm. at the Univ. of the Aegean, member of the Intelligent Systems lab (i-lab) and team leader of the Semantic Web of Things group, and director of the Postgraduate studies in Cultural Informatics. Also, I am a research associate at AI-Lab of the University of Piraeus (GR).
My FOAF (example) file linked to DBpedia graph (LOD cloud), available as:
OWL/XML: https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/me.owl
Turtle: https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/me.ttl
RDF graph (using D3RDF): https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/foafGraph.html (requires a non-secure connection)
My Pod and profile (WebID) details at Solid (in RDF/turtle):
– profile (.vsp) https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/03dcbd5d-5c7a-4dc5-8319-44600a745fd1profile.vsp
– me.ttl https://storage.inrupt.com/03dcbd5d-5c7a-4dc5-8319-44600a745fd1/data/me.ttl
Web of Science ResearcherID: B-1883-2009
Scopus Author ID: 8951329800
Orchid ID: 0000-0001-7838-9691
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2870237/konstantinos-kotis/
Orchid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7838-9691
And my research keywords:
Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Web technologies, Semantic Data Management, Semantic IoT, AI Chatbots, Knowledge Graphs, Computing and Culture.
Currently, I am a member of Intelligent Systems Lab (i-lab), Univ. of the Aegean, team leader of the Semantic Web of Things group, and director of the Postgraduate studies in Cultural Informatics.
My contact details may be scanned below: