A summary of personal info

My FOAF data in: OWL/XML: https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/me.owl  Turtle: https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/me.ttl RDF graph (using D3RDF): https://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis/foafGraph.html (requires a non-secure connection) My Pod and profile (WebID) details at Solid (in RDF/turtle): – profile (.vsp) …

Web Visualized Ontologies

Using WebVOWL software and VOWL: Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies: FOAF ontology (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/) or view it as an SVG file. IoT ontology (v2.1) view as an SVG file or as …