SWoT group

A Web space for the Semantic Web of Things (SWoT) group's research work conducted at Intelligent Systems lab(i-Lab), Dept. of Cultural Technology and Comm., University of the Aegean.

About Us

Semantic Web of Things group, founded in 2020, conducts research on the following topics:

Ontology Eng., Semantic Web, IoT/WoT, Semantic Web of Things, Semantic Data Management, Semantic trajectories, Conversational AI and KGs , Linked Data.

A list of peer-reviewed papers authored by our group can be found at Google Scholar profile.
A list of ontologies developed (co-developed) can be found here and at GitHub!
A list of source code (ontologies and apps) can be found at GitHub!
A video of selected apps demo at YouTube can be found here!

Group Members

First Name Last Name Role
Konstantinos Kotis Group leader, assoc. professor
Sotiris Angelis Team member, PhD Student (Semantic Trajectories)
Team member, PhD Student (KG-based Conversational AI)
Pavlos Bitilis Team member, PhD Student (Personal Health Knowledge Graphs (PHKG), Wearables, and PD)
Adam Koletis Team member, PhD Student (Semantic Data Integration of PHKG and Artistic Behavior)
Andreas Soularidis Team member, PhD Student (Real-time semantic data integration and automated reasoning on IoT-enabled edge devices)
Georgios Anagnostou Team member, PhD Student (LLMs in Knowledge Graphs Construction and Semantic Search)
Alexandros Karakikes Team member, PhD Student (Bias-free ΑΙ -Assisted Implementation of the Intelligence Analysis Cycle)
- - MSc students attending our Master by Research program in Intelligent Computer Systems
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Selected Publications

Integrating LLMs in the Engineering of a SAR Ontology

Doumanas, D., Soularidis, A., Kotis, K., Vouros, G.

Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2024. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 714. Springer, Cham.

LLMs for the Engineering of a Parkinson Disease Monitoring and Alerting Ontology

G. Bouchouras, P. Bitilis, K. Kotis, and G. Vouros,

First International Workshop on Generative Neuro-Symbolic AI, co-located with ESWC 2024, Hersonissos, Crete, May 2024.

CHEKG: a collaborative and hybrid methodology for engineering modular and fair domain-specific knowledge graphs.

Angelis, S., Moraitou, E., Caridakis, G., Kotis, K.

Knowledge and Information Systems, 4899–4925 (2024)

A Systematic Review on Semantic Interoperability in the IoE-enabled Smart Cities. Internet of Things

2. Pliatsios, A.; Kotis, K.; Goumopoulos C.

Internet of Things, 22, 2023

A KG-Based Integrated UAV Approach for Engineering Semantic Trajectories in the Cultural Heritage Documentation Domain

Kotis, K.; Angelis, S.; Moraitou, E.; Kopsachilis, V.; Papadopoulou, E.-E.; Soulakellis, N.; Vaitis, M.

Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 821.

Self-Healing of Semantically Interoperable Smart and Prescriptive Edge Devices in IoT

Dimara, A.; Vasilopoulos, V.-G.; Papaioannou, A.; Angelis, S.; Kotis, K.; Anagnostopoulos, C.-N.; Krinidis, S.; Ioannidis, D.; Tzovaras, D.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11650.

ReconTraj4Drones: A Framework for the Reconstruction and Semantic Modeling of UAVs’ Trajectories on MovingPandas

K. Kotis, A. Soularidis

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 670.

RDF-Gen: Generating RDF Triples from Big Data Sources

Santipantakis, G., Kotis, K., Glenis, A., Vouros, G. A., Doulkeridis, C., Vlachou, A.

Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) journal, vol. 64, issue 11, 2985–3015, 2022, Springer

Semantic Trajectory Analytics and Recommender Systems in Cultural Spaces

Angelis, S.; Kotis, K.; Spiliotopoulos, D.

Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2021, 5, 80.

Graph-Based Conversational AI: Towards a Distributed and Collaborative Multi-Chatbot Approach for Museums

Varitimiadis, S.; Kotis, K.; Pittou, D.; Konstantakis, G.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(19), 9160

Ontology engineering methodologies for the evolution of living and reused ontologies: Status, trends, findings and recommendations

Kotis, K., Vouros, G., & Spiliotopoulos, D.

The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2020, 35, E4

Semantic Interoperability on the Internet of Things: The Semantic Smart Gateway Framework

Kotis K. and Katasonov A.

International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST). 2013, 4(3), pp.23

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Selected Projects

FAIR-PReSONS: Fair predictions of gender-sensitive recidivism

EU project funded

GreenHeritage: The impact of Climate Change on the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Erasmus-LS project

Time Machine: Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe

H2020 Coordination and support action (CSA) – FETFLAG-2018-01

Managing Semantic Trajectories as Knowledge Graphs

1.2 [e-Aegean-Geo-spatial data services] Integrated Geospatial Data Services, Communities of Knowledge, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in North Aegean [e- Aegean Communities]

Promote: Persuasive Technologies in Tourism

National Program (North Aegean Regional Development Program 2014-2020, MIS 5093219)

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Try one of the following to access a SW/LD app for:

Semantic Trajectories as Knowledge Graphs - Visualization and Retrieval

Towards Engineering Drones’ Semantic Trajectories as Knowledge Graphs

E Moraitou, S Angelis, K Kotis, G Caridakis, EE Papadopoulou,

5th International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data (GeoLD 2022), co-located with the 19th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2022), Hersonissos, Greece - 29 May 2022


A Trajectory Analytics and Visualization tool for drones' trajectory reconstruction, enrichment and semantic annotation based on MovingPandas

ReconTraj4Drones: A Framework for the Reconstruction and Semantic Modeling of UAVs’ Trajectories on MovingPandas

K. Kotis, A. Soularidis

Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 670.

Linking, enriching, and searching heterogeneous museum datasets

Interlinking and enrichment of disparate organisational data with LOD at applications run-time

A Sotirios, K Konstantinos, M Panagiotis

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

Greek Children’s Art Museum LD / SPARQL Query Editor

Children's art museum collections as Linked Open Data

K Kotis, S Angelis, C Maria, M Efstathia

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 15 (1), 60-70

MuBot: Intelligent Museum Guide

Funded: Operational Programme of Crete Reginal Administration, Research and Development from SMEs in RIS3Crete sectors

Principal Investigator: Assist. prof. Kotis Konstantinos

Role:Research Subcontractor (Aegean Solutions S.A)

MemoBot – Talking with Kazantzakis: Intelligent Mixed Reality Experiences

Funded: Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)

Principal Investigator: Assist. prof. Kotis Konstantinos

Role: Research Subcontractor (Aegean Solutions S.A)/p>

ΙMOC: Intelligent Open Creative platform for museums

Funded: Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)

Principal Investigator: Assist. prof. Kotis Konstantinos

Role: Research Subcontractor (Aegean Solutions S.A)/p>

LD Datasets

Greek Children Art Museum dataset
Antique Cars Collection (Linked Cars)